Sustainable Development Goals

The identified areas of our work can be abstract covered by: Wearable devices for visually impaired people, and as a general means to reduce inequalities to support the visually impaired and the hearing impaired.

myE&E sense 0.6 features

We began early to ask affected persons and their organizations about their expectations of sense. The sense features should fulfil the most important use cases of these persons. Support organizations for the visually impaired are invited to test new product versions as they become available.

Which are the tools we use for the ‘sense’ development

We decided for the Atmel ATmega328P of the Arduino C++ environment and developed a small task oriented OS (mtos) which manages all aspects of energy savings, deep sleep, scheduling, timing, interrupts and asynchronous operations for development, testing and production. An overview of the how and what is described in this post.

myE&E sense product features

myE&E 'sense' is a small wearable product that supports visually impaired people in conjunction with the white cane or as a stand alone device. We inform you about the use cases that will be developed in its 1st production version.

myE&E sense – ein Produkt für sehbehinderte Menschen

myE&E sense erkennt mittels eines Sonars und haptischem Feedback Gegenstände die im Weg des Sehbehinderten liegen und ihn behindern könnten. Unser Ziel bis Ende 2018 / Anfang 2019 ist es, eine Anzahl von 30 Geräten in einem 3D-Druck zu produzieren, die Organisationen in der D-A-CH Region zum Test zur Verfügung gestellt werden.

Webinare: neue Lösungen zur Hör- und Sehbehinderung

Neue Lösungen zur Situativen Überwindung von Hör- und Sehbehinderung werden in mehreren Webinaren von uns vorgestellt. Unser Aufruf richtet sich an alle Investoren, sozial orientierte Stiftungen und Dachorganisationen für Hör- und Sehbehinderte.

Facebook und die Sozialen Medien

Wir sind 2016 nun auch auf Facebook. Bis dato wurde immer die private Facebook - Seite von Frank H. Ritz verwendet. Hier unsere gesammelte Liste an Medien-Zugängen.

  • Sustainable Development Goals

    The identified areas of our work can be abstract covered by: Wearable devices for visually impaired people, and as a general means to reduce inequalities to support the visually impaired and the hearing impaired.

  • myE&E sense 0.6 features

    We began early to ask affected persons and their organizations about their expectations of sense. The sense features should fulfil the most important use cases of these persons. Support organizations for the visually impaired are invited to test new product versions as they become available.

  • Which are the tools we use for the ‘sense’ development

    We decided for the Atmel ATmega328P of the Arduino C++ environment and developed a small task oriented OS (mtos) which manages all aspects of energy savings, deep sleep, scheduling, timing, interrupts and asynchronous operations for development, testing and production. An overview of the how and what is described in this post.


we offer our hearing and visually impaired customers the best service. With our partners, we create a powerful network that benefits you.